Merry Christmas, everyone. 🎉
It’s been so long since I last released something here ; and honestly, I did miss working on a SAO fan-translation.!
For those who missed the news, I recently got involved in the official production of SAO as an animator (please support GGO!). hence for legal reasons, I’m now only able to publish on this blog projects that are considered permissible.
Anyways, I got to experience SAO’s clearance day in Japan with Aeru and we received the physical version of this newspaper after attending the Animate event in Ikebukuro. We were crazy enough to translate the newspaper from two years ago, so of course we’d be tackling this one as well! Would’ve been crazy if I could’ve released the translation on November 7th.
Translation, Typesetting, Raws: Celest
Note: the original content shown below was officially published on KADOKAWA’s website, free for access and available for everyone. No legal infringement was committed by publishing this content.

View in HD – page 01

View in HD – page 02